Choosing just the right domain name can be a bit of a task. Usually the cost is minimal. Most domain names cost under twenty dollars per year, so the investment factor is minimal. If you find several names that seem to work and cannot decide which one will work best, that’s not a problem at all. In most cases, more than one domain name can be purchased and pointed to the same website address.
DM WebCreation can help you find the correct domain name for you and your business. You can do a search for the domain name you would like and see if it is available by going to
Is the name you want already taken? The most common domain names are those that end in “.com”, but they are probably the most difficult to find. Consider the following: The first domain name was registered in 1985. By 1992, only 15,000 had been registered, but as of November 2014, the total number of all registered domain names passed the quarter of a billion mark! That’s a lot of domain names!
Below is a list showing only the most used domain name endings (TLD’s) showing the number of domain names have been registered as of 2014:
- .com — 120 million — Open TLD for all purposes. Originally for “commercial” and for-profit businesses.
- .net — 15 million — Open TLD for all purposes. Originally for “networked” companies and businesses.
- .org — 11 million — OPEN TLD for all purposes. Originally intended for non-profit organizations.
- .info — 6 million — OPEN TLD for all purposes. Intended for “informational” purposes.
- .biz — 3 million — OPEN TLD for all purposes. Originally intended for businesses.
With so many domain names being registered, there has been a recent opening of what is referred to as gTLD’s (generic Top Level Domains). These include “.website”, “.realestate”, “.bargains”, “.coffee”, and the list goes on. So the possibilities of having your own unique domain name are endless!