What is branding? Think: “Golden Arches.” Just ask any child what those golden arches represent. Even the youngest toddler has the unique superpower of viewing the golden arches before Mom and Dad can ever get a chance to distract them from the inevitable. Happy Meal for everyone!
Branding is all about the specific look, style, and presentation of your business. When the owners of a company do not take the time to plan out their branding, marketing efforts will suffer from the lack of vitality necessary for today’s business world.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines branding as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.”
Graphic Design? We do it! From website, emails, social media to your company’s letterhead, invoices, brochures, business cards, and even return labels, DM WebCreation can help you assist you in coordinating your colors, logo, graphics, photos, and all other marketing elements into a style and branding that can remain captured in the minds of both clients and potential clients. Here are some ideas:
- Your Facebook Page
- Business Cards
- Brochures & Pamphlets
- Banners & Labels
- Invoices & Statements
- Emails, and anywhere else your marketing imagination can lead you!
DM WebCreation is by your side to inspire creativity that enriches your business.
Check us out at www.dm-webcreation.com.